Friday, April 8, 2011

Link Exchange

Silakan copy-paste script dibawah ini dan konfirmasikan lewat guest book atau komentar yang ada di bawah ini. Saya akan segera link anda kembali. Terima Kasih.

Link Iicisony

Iicisony Zone | Download Software Terbaru



Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Internet Download Manager [IDM] 6.05 Build 10 Full Version + Patch, Serial Number, Keygen

Pada kesempatan kali ini Iicisony kembali update posting di Yang Iicisony share kali adalah IDM 6.05 Build 10 Full Version Update 28 Maret 2011. Kemarin Iicisony sempat menshare juga IDM versi sebelumnya yaitu IDM 6.05 Build 8 Full Version. Pasti anda semua bertanya-tanya kenapa IDM selalu update versi terbarunya. Itu karna pada IDM Build sebelumnya pasti ada Stack (gangguan). Jadi di keluarkan Build terbaru guna menghilangkan Stack tersebut.

Monday, March 28, 2011

WinRAR 4.00 Beta 7 Full Version + Keygen (32-bit)

Alhamdulillah akhirnya Iicisony bisa mengupdate kembali posting di blog setelah beberapa hari tidak update karenanya banyaknya kegiatan yang tidak bisa di tinggalkan. Hehe . . . Yang Iicisony share kali ini adalah WinRAR versi terbaru yaitu WinRAR versi 4.00.

WinRAR adalah sebuah aplikasi pengompres data dengan banyak fungsi tambahan. Dengan WinRAR kita dapat melakukan kompresi dan merapikan data sehingga akan menciptakan arsip yang lebih kecil dan tertata.

Jadi jika di PC kita banyak terdapat file yang berserakan maka kita bisa menyatukannya dengan program ini dan files yang telah disatukan tersebut secara otomatis akan terkompress ukuran filenya sehingga tentunya akan menghemat ruang pada hardisk di PC kita.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Uniblue RegistryBooster 2011 Full Version

Pernahkah sobat memperhatikan bahwa semakin lama sobat memiliki komputer, semakin lambat berjalan dan semakin crash? Seringkali hal ini karena ketika sobat menginstal atau menghapus penginstalan perangkat lunak, menambah atau menghapus perangkat keras, atau mengubah setting komputer sobat, Windows registri diperbarui. Perubahan ini dapat meninggalkan registry terfragmentasi, dengan usang, rusak dan, dalam beberapa kasus, file berbahaya. Seiring waktu registri mulai terjebak dan konflik bermunculan. Waktu dicentang, sistem sobat akan menjadi semakin tidak stabil, berjalan lebih lambat dan lebih sering crash.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Internet Download Manager [IDM] 6.05 Build 8 Full Version + Patch, Serial Number, Crack, Keygen


Belum lama update idm (internet download manager) versi 6.05 Build 7 kini udah muncul lagi update idm 6.05 build 8. Langsung saja tidak usah perlu banyak basa basi dan review karena saya yakin software ini sudah familier bagi sobat sekalian.

Berikut adalah preview dan link download untuk idm versi terbaru 6.05 build 8:
- Fixed "Download all links with IDM" menu crashing IE 9
- Fixed critical bug in IE integration module
- Improved audio and video recognition for several sites

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Internet Download Manager [IDM] 6.05 Build 5 Full Version + Serial Number,Keygen,Crack,Patch

Belum lama update idm (internet download manager) versi 6.05 Build 3 kini udah muncul lagi update idm 6.05 build 5. Kayaknya ini sih udah Final. Tak apa lah, semakin sering di update malah semakin bagus. Well langsung saja tidak usah perlu banyak basa basi dan review karena saya yakin software ini sudah familier bagi sobat sekalian. Berikut adalah preview dan link download untuk idm versi terbaru 6.05 build 5.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Domain dan Hosting Gratis

Bertemu lagi dengan saya di Pada kesempatan kali ini saya iseng - iseng mengumpulkan daftar domain dan hosting gratis yang sudah saya coba dan masih berfungsi sampai sekarang. Dari sekian banyak hosting gratisan yang ada saya paling demen ama XtreemHost, walau gratis tapi technical support-nya belum pernah mengecewakan. Silakan dicoba mana yang cocok, kalau demen ama Cpanel + Fantastico script installer rekomendasinya pakai SixServe.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sejarah dan Perkembangan web

Pada jaman sekarang ini, hampir setiap orang membutuhkan teknologi untuk lebih memudahkan pekerjaannya. Teknologi yang dgunakan misalnya hampir semua orang sudah menggunakan komputer, netbook atau laptop. Dengan menggunakan laptop tau komputer, pekerjaan setiap orang menjadi lebih mudah, misalnya untuk orang-orang yang bekerja di bidang perkantoran, pendidikan, perbankan dll. Dalam bidang perkantoran akan lebih mudah menggunakan software Microsoft Office.

Untuk memudahkan pekerjaan manusia dengan menggunakan komputer dibutuhkan bantuan software, seperti Microsoft Office untuk mengolah data, kata, keperluan presentasi dan lain-lain; Photoshop untuk mengolah data berupa gambar, graphic dan lain-lain. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih, software-software tersebut juga mengalami perkembangan seperti Photoshop CS, Photoshop CS5 dan lain-lain. Untuk itu, software-software tersebut harus di update untuk mendapatkan versi yang baru. Untuk keperluan mengupadate software-software tersebut dibutuhkan koneksi internet.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Internet Download Manager [IDM] 6.05 Build 3 Full Version + Patch

Belum lama update idm (internet download manager) versi 6.05 Build 2 kini udah muncul lagi update idm 6.05 build 3. Kayaknya ini sih udah Final. Tak apa lah, semakin sering di update malah semakin bagus. Well langsung saja tidak usah perlu banyak basa basi dan review karena saya yakin software ini sudah familier bagi sobat sekalian. Berikut adalah preview dan link download untuk idm versi terbaru 6.05 build 3.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Adobe Photoshop Cs2 Full Version + keygen

 PHOTOSHOP adalah Sebuah image (gambar/foto) dapat berfungsi sebagai media yang dapat memberikan informasi yang disampaikan kepada masyarkakat. Orang lebih mudah memahami sebuah pesan hanya dengan melihat gambar dibanding harus membaca teks. Ketika menemukan sebuh pamflet, brosur, maupun booklet yang pertama dilihat adalah gambarnya kemudian informasi yang disampaikan.
Untuk membuat perpaduan gambar dan teks diperlukan keterampilan khusus dalam mendesain sebuah image. Selain dituntut mampu mengembangkan ide juga sedikitnya harus tahu tentang mengkombinasikan warna maupun mode warna yang ada. Graphic designer lebih dikenal sebagai peran utama dalam menciptakan sebuah image yang berkualitas yang dapat membuat tampilan beberapa publikasi seperti sampul buku maupun majalah, brosur, booklet, leaflet, banner, catalog dan publikasi lain yang sejenis menjadi impresif.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.50.1 Full Version + Keygen

Malwarebytes 'Anti-Malware adalah sebuah program untuk mencegah serangan dari virus, worm, trojan, rootkit, dialer, spyware, danmalware di Pc maupun di laptop sobat blogger semua, dan perlu kita ketahui juga perkembangan virus saat ini makin hari semakin canggih, karena itulah kita harus menjaga keamanan komputer dari serangan program jahat tersebut.
tenang saja sobat blogger kita hanya perlu install program Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.50.1 yang saya share ke sobat untuk membasmi dan menghindari program jahat tersebut di komputer kita.

Friday, February 25, 2011

AVG Pc Tune Up 2011 + genuine license

Pada kesempatan ini saya akan share AVG Pc Tune Up 2011 + genuine license kepada sobat.

AVG PC TuneUp menyediakan semua alat yang diperlukan untuk menjaga sistem Pc sobat dalam bentuk top-notch! perangkat lunak ini menyediakan lebih dari 18 alat untuk mengatasi masalah yang memperlambat komputer sobat dan juga mengidentifikasi jejak privasi aktivitas browsing dan membersihkan jejak privasi.

AVG PC Tune up memang khusus dibuat untuk system tweaks, seperti registry cleaner, defrag, disk cleaner, disk defrag, internet optimizer dll. hal ini perlu dilakukan agar PC/Laptop kita tetap optimal kinerjanya. Selain itu juga sobat juga bisa menggunakan program sejenis seperti TuneUp utilities dll.

Tips Mempercepat koneksi Speedy

Mungkin banyak kalian semua yang langganan telkom speedy merasa resah, dan juga tidak sedikit wireless yang menggunakan ISP speedy. Seperti saya contohnya, saya tiap hari online pakai wireless ISP-nya speedy. Tapi saya speedy tipe game dan koneksinya tidak begitu cepat. Semisal untuk mempercepat koneksi speedy bisa dilakukan cara seperti dibawah ini:
Untuk mempercepat browsing dan donlot dg koneksi speedy bs dipake proxy server. Gw sdh coba terutama donlot dg IDM. Gw bandingin kalo pake/tdk pake proxy speed beda
skt (90-100)%. Kalo g’ pake proxy donlot skt (40-50) KB/sec , tp kalo pake bisa (80-90) KB/sec bahkan kalo malam hari (bukan hr libur) rata2 (100-120) KB/sec. .
Gw jamin deh.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Adobe Photoshop 7.0

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya ingin menshare free download Adobe Photoshop seri 7.0. Mudah - mudahan bermanfaat bagi anda yang suka mengutak - atik atau mengedit foto.

Photoshop adalah sebuah image editor, atau program penyunting gambar yang berfungsi untuk membuat, menyunting, dan memodifikasi gambar-gambar digital yang terdapat di dalam komputer.
Photoshop merupakan program penyuting gambar yang paling hebat dan paling populer hingga saat ini. Kemampuan serta fasilitasnya yang lengkap membuatnya diminati oleh para seniman, professional, maupun pemula yang membutuhkan sebuah program gambar yang lengkap namun mudah dalam penggunaannya.
Gambar atau image di dalam komputer grafis terdiri dari dua jenis katagori, yaitu gambar bitmap dan vector. Oleh karena itu, tidak salah bila Anda mengenal pengertian dari kedua jenis images ini.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tips Memilih Modem yang Tepat

Sempat saya membaca sebuah artikel yang membahas tentang cara memilih modem yang tepat guna. Tapi sebelumnya Tahukah anda apa itu Modem?
Modem merupakan singkatan dari

Monday, February 21, 2011

Cheat Game: Cheat Ninja SAGA 1 HIT KILL and EXP Newest February

Cheat 1 Hit Kill:
1. go to your FB.
2. Go to Ninja Saga.
3. Find any kind of enemy.
4. Open Cheat Engine (It is up to version how aja).

Friday, February 18, 2011

Cara Hack Billing Warnet

Dalam tulisan saya kali ini, saya akan seditit membahas tentang teknik hacking di warnet,, tetapi jangan disalah gunakan ya.. ini adalah tahapan-tahapan sebelum memulai hacking :

Internet Download Manager [IDM] 6.05 Build 2 Full Version + Crack

Belum lama update idm (internet download manager) versi 6.05 kini udah muncul lagi update idm 6.05 build 2. Tak apa lah, semakin sering di update malah semakin bagus. Well langsung saja tidak usah perlu banyak basa basi dan review karena saya yakin software ini sudah familier bagi sobat sekalian. Berikut adalah preview dan link download untuk idm versi terbaru 6.05 build 2.

Cara Cheat Poker Facebook Zynga Texas Holdem Poker Terbaru

     Berikut ini akan diberikan cara cheat poker di facebook supaya mendapatkan banyak chip di texas holdem poker dari zynga. Cheat ini dapat membuat chip yang sudah ada mejadi banyak sehingga kita bisa menjual chip texas holdem poker facebook ke pemain poker lainnya.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

PhotoTune 2.2 - Full Version

PhotoTune 2.2 is an Adobe® Photoshop® plugin that provides professional quality color correction in an easy to use plug-in. PhotoTune 2.2 incorporates ColorTune technology (formerly known as 20/20 Color MD) with its patented color correction process and SkinTune technology, developed after more than two years of in-depth skin color research. PhotoTune 2.2 makes the tedious and time-consuming task of color correction simple and straightforward to improve your post-processing workflow.

PhotoFrame 3.1 Professional Edition - Full Version

     PhotoFrame 3.1 Professional Edition literally puts you into the digital darkroom. Now it is easy to add realistic film and darkroom edge effects to your images. Why stop at the darkroom? You can add artistic edges like torn paper, brush strokes or even realistic frames and mats you would hang on the wall. Stack multiple edges and frames to create your own unique look. Add the perfect finishing touch to your images with over 4,000 professionally created edge effects, allowing you to create an infinite number of effects.

Cheat Game: Experience hack Ninja Saga terbaru

Experience hack Ninja Saga terbaru

So this is my tut how to cheat on Ninja saga (Facebook and Orkut) and get more exp and lvl up fast:
So first you need these 2 programs:
2.Mozilla Firefox

Map Hack Dota 1.24b versi 2

Tutorial Maphack untuk server indonesia (pakai drop Bnet)

Sudah banyak kan yang kena banned gara" pakai MH?
gue ajarin biar ga kena band . (bwt server" di indo aja)

Genuine Fractals Print Pro 5 - Full Version

     Genuine Fractals 5 Print Pro is the industry standard for image resizing. It is renowned across the photographic and printing industries for its ability to increase image size well over 1000% without the loss of sharpness or detail that you would normally expect. Its patented, fractal based interpolation algorithms work like nothing else and the results speak for themselves.

FocalPoint 1 - Full Version Price

     The use of selective focus has been part of photography since the very first lenses where invented. There are many techniques used to control either the plane of focus or removing sharpness from edges. The most common way to do this is by controlling depth of field in the camera by using a large aperture lens producing a narrow depth of field. Now photographers have a new Photoshop plug-in to help put the focus where they want — the all new FocalPoint 1.0.

PhotoTools 1 Professional Edition - Full Version

    Whether you are new to photography and have never experienced the darkroom or you are an experienced pro who has mastered photography you will appreciate the range of authentic camera, filter and darkroom techniques reproduced with PhotoTools 1.0 Professional Edition. PhotoTools 1.0 Professional Edition contains 250 effects by Jack Davis, Kevin Kubota and onOne Software that faithfully reproduce camera filters like neutral density, color correction and polarization as well as darkroom techniques and alternative processes like solarization, cyanotype and more. You can even simulate the look of different films with the a wide range of grain and contrast effects.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

AVS Video Editor ( Patch, serial number, keygen ) free download

AVS Video Editor adalah sofware yang dapat digunakan untuk mengedit video dan menyimpan hasil nya dalam berbagai format video. Dengan AVS Video Editor ini bisa melakukan edit seperti trim, cut, split, merge, rotate and mix videos. Selain itu AVS Video Editor ini dilengkapi dengan 300 efek video dan transisi yang inovatif

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cheat Game: Token Ninja Saga

Silakan pilih Kode curang yang Anda inginkan:

Untuk Menantang Teman dan Untuk Terlibat Dalam Misi Ninja Saga
Cara Mendapatkan Cakra Points, XP, HP, Agility, Dodge Rate Forever, token & Gold ns Klik sini

Cara mendapatkan karakter CP Otomatis Cara menambah token atau token yg tidak bisa habis, dan gold yg tidak bisa habis serta Cara Mengubah Token Menjadi Emas GOLD 999999999 dan token Klik sini

Cara Menerima Token, agility, Token Saga, Gold, Ubah karakter, HP Ninja Saga Lv 31, Ninjutsu Skill

Monday, February 14, 2011

Cara mempercepat Koneksi Internet pada Browser Mozilla Firefox

Seperti yang kita ketahui Mozilla fire fox adalah salah satu tool browser yang paling banyak digunakan, karena tool browser ini memang sudah diakui kehebatannya seperti kecepatannya ketika browsing. Namun masih ada trik dan tips untuk menambah lagi kecepatannya ketika browsing sehingga lebih mempermudah kita ketika sedang surfing di internet. Berikut ini adalah cara untuk menambah kecepatan browsing pada Mozilla Firefox :

* Pada browser Mozilla FireFox ketikkan perintah about:config di address bar / tempat biasa kita mengetiikan url website kemudian tekan ENTER
* Setelah muncul tampilan / halaman yang baru, klik kanan dimana saja dan pilih New >> Integer
* Sekarang buat nama baru dengan “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” tanpa tanda petik. dan set value -a pada angka 0

Saya sudah mencoba dan benar-benar membuat FireFox saya lebih cepat dan stabil. Selamat Mencoba 

Internet yang Cepat

Internet yang CepatBrowsing Internet dengan kecepatan yang tinggi pasti sangat menyenangkan, berbagai cara dilakukan untuk mempercepat koneksi internet baik menggunakan software agar koneksi internet menjadi lebih cepat maupun menggunakan settingan tertentu yang diklaim bisa mempercepat koneksi internet.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Video DVD Maker PRO

Video DVD Maker PRO | 12.5 MB

An advanced tool to create DVDs. Grab your video from a camera or other source and burn to a DVD-Video disk.

Video DVD Maker PRO is an inexpensive, all-in-one solution that allows you to grab your video from a camera or other source, convert it into an appropriate format and burn it to a DVD or a Video CD disk. Video DVD Maker PRO includes DVD menu and CD cover builders. The program features a clean, simple and easy-to-use Wizard-like interface. It will guide you through each step. So, there is no need to study any help files.

There are plenty of video formats available today. But, if you wish to share your video or photo CDs with your friends, you should stick with the most common media standards that can be replayed on any computer, video player or even a game console. These standards are: DVD-Video, Video CD (VCD) and Super Video CD (SVCD).

To create a standard CD or DVD disk containing your video or image files, you need to follow several steps. First, you need to capture video from its original source, for example, from your video camera, from TV, from a pre-created video file, etc. Then, you need to convert your materials into a format required by the standard. After that, you may want to create a DVD menu that allows your viewer to select and start media files from the disk. And finally, you need to burn your materials to a CD or DVD disk.

Normally, you would use separate programs to complete each of the steps above. Video DVD Maker is an all-in-one solution that allows you to accomplish the whole process within the same application. This program can capture video from various sources and convert video files. Additionally, you can prepare slide shows from your images. Video DVD Maker PRO includes a built-in DVD menu builder too. The program easily burns CDs and DVDs. You don't need to use any other programs. Video DVD Maker PRO is an inexpensive way to publish your videos on CD/DVD disks. You get the functionality of five applications for the price of one. Grab video, burn a disk, add a nice CD cover, etc. By the way, regarding covers, and to make you completely happy, the authors of Video DVD Maker even included a simple CD cover designer into their product.

RealPlayer SP 1.0.5 Build

RealPlayer SP 1.0.5 Build | 17 MB

The RealPlayer is the first product that integrates Real's revolutionary new Harmony technology.

RealPlayer enables consumers to buy and download music that plays on more than 100 portable devices, including the Apple iPod. RealPlayer is the only digital-media player you need for finding and downloading new music, playing and managing audio and video clips, and taking your digital entertainment with you.

RealPlayer offers a streamlined interface that allows you to keep your media library close at hand. Keep all your digital-media clips organized in one place; save CD tracks with one click; pause and rewind live streams; transfer music to CDs and portable devices effortlessly; and enjoy clear, smooth video playback and multichannel, surround-sound support.

Helix Powered RealPlayer is the all-in-one digital media player that lets you find anything and play everything. This popular streaming-media player offers improved video controls and access to 3200 radio stations.

RealPlayer also includes an option during setup to install the Real Toolbar for Internet Explorer. With RealPlayer you get an improved graphic equalizer and media services, including a radio tuner and an artist and music guide. Meanwhile, the Take 5 news service can offer you daily sports updates. A contextual video search helps you find interviews with your favorite artists. The RealPlayer music store lets you buy music files. Finally, you can use the software to transfer files to CDs and portable devices.

WinDVD Pro 2010

WinDVD Pro 2010 | 141 MB

WinDVD 2010 - the world's #1 Blu-ray and DVD player software for the ultimate movie experience!

Bring the ultimate movie experience to your PC with Corel® WinDVD® 2010, the world’s leading video and DVD player software. Watch movies on your home theater system, desktop or laptop, and enjoy crystal-clear pictures with crisp, theater-like surround sound.

The best DVD player software for high-quality video playback, WinDVD delivers a more lifelike and exhilarating entertainment experience. Enjoy home movies or the latest Hollywood blockbusters with superior picture quality and razor-sharp audio performance. Take your flicks on the go with laptop features that make sure your batteries don’t run out before the movie. Plus, watch videos right from your camera, camcorder or DVD—no downloading required! Bring the high-impact HD movie experience to your PC with Corel® WinDVD® Pro 2010 - the world’s leading Blu-ray and DVD player software.
Whether you're watching a Blu-ray Disc®, an HD video file downloaded from the Internet or your own HD home movie, WinDVD Pro gives you the intense video quality that only HD can deliver.

ChrisTV Online Premium Edition 5.70

ChrisTV Online Premium Edition 5.70

Special program for converting of your computer into a television set and radio receiver. CHRISTV Online! allows to look over the enormous amount of TV-channels, wireless stations and other audio-video material, translated through a network the Internet. For everything it is utillized only connection with the Internet, and it is needed no additional equipment. In the base of the program CHRISTV Online! there are more than 800 televisional channels and more than 600 wireless stations from 100 countries of the world, the list of which brushes up daily. The choice of channels can be made after a figure, to the type, category, language, name of the station. Favourite tele- and wireless stations it is possible to add to the list favourite channels which will be shown separately in a general list.

Changes in ChrisTV Online Premium Edition 5.70

USB Safely Remove v 4.4 Final [Full Version] & portable

software untuk safely remove flasdist kalian supaya data yg ada di flasdis agan tetep terjaga dari virus,,atau utuk meremove flasdis yang gak bisa di safely remove dengan cara biasa..
Supported OS: Win 2000\XP\2003\Vista\Win7, 32\64 bit.

USB Safely Remove is a USB device manager. It saves time and extends user abilities on active work with flash drives, portable drives, card readers and other gadgets.

The main disadvantage of using built-in Windows safe removal tool is that in case of having several hot-plug devices it is quite difficult to recognize a device that needs to be stopped. Most devices have the same name: "USB mass storage device". In addition, Windows does not let you hide a device you would not want to stop from the menu. USB Safely Remove saves you from these problems and offers an original and multifunctional stopping menu, which displays actual device names with icons. Using this menu you can find and stop a device in a snap!

Windows Media Player Lyrics Plugins (Cool Plugins) Free Download

Windows Media Player Lyrics Plugins
Buat Windows Media Player-mu lebih keren dengan Lyrics!

Watermark Studio 2.11 Free Download

Watermark Studio 2.11 sangat berguna untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap file-file image kita agar tidak digunakan oleh pihak yang tidak memiiki otoritas. Watermark yang kita berikan bisa juga kita buat transparan menggunakan software ini agar gambar tetep bisa kita perlihatkan sesuai kebutuhan.

Keuntungan lainnya adalah bahwa software ini memfasilitasi batch processing sehingga kita bisa melakukan hal yang sama kepada beberapa file image sekaligus hanya dengan sekali klik.

Beberapa fiturnya antara lain:
* Melindungi foto Anda menggunakan watermark terlihat maupun transparan
* Support format jpeg, png, gif, tiff, bmp dan psd
* Konversi image ke beberapa format gambar modern
* Mengubah ukuran gambar dan membuat thumbnail
* Watermark Transparan dengan custom opacity
* Tambahkan custom teks dan komentar ke gambar
* Impor komentar dari EXIF, IPTC, JPEG, nama file

Saturday, February 12, 2011

SMSCaster 3,6

SMSCaster 3,6 completo
SMS masivos de mensajes de texto de software de marketing móvil!

SMSCaster E-Marketer es fácil de usar pero potente mensaje SMS software de emisión de e-marketing. Se le permite enviar SMS marketing y publicidad y recibir SMS de respuesta de la computadora.

Si se diferencia de otros mensajes de texto de software de escritorio que se basa en un gateway de Internet SMS. En su lugar, utilizar el teléfono móvil existentes, módem GSM o terminal celular y conectarlo a la computadora. La conexión puede hacerse a través de un cable de datos USB, cable de datos en serie o un puerto COM Bluetooth.

Diseñado con la difusión masiva en mente, SMSCaster le ayuda a gestionar sus campañas de marketing y enviar mensajes personalizados a sus grupos objetivo. Desde SMS es rápido y la rentabilidad, como la promoción de mensajes, recordatorio, alerta, un aviso especial o declaración se adaptan bien a ser entregado mediante SMSCaster E-Marketer.

* "Enviar miles de SMS fácilmente desde el ordenador"
* "Recibir SMS entrantes a la computadora (SMS de 2 vías)"
* "No existe ningún registro, ningún crédito prepago, ninguna puerta de enlace SMS necesaria"
* "Apoyo SMS largos, SMS Flash, SMS Mail Merge"
* "Utilice su aplicación Nokia, Sony Ericsson o Motorola teléfono móvil!

Zentimo xStorage Manager Beta 4

Zentimo xStorage Manager - powerful manager for the external drive. It saves time and enhances the user experience when working with flash drives, portable drives, card readers and other devices.
- Safely remove in one click.
- Rename the device.
- Change device image.
- Hide unnecessary device from the menu.
- Scan for hardware changes.
- Stop all devices simultaneously.
- Keyboard shortcuts for stopping a device or a menu.
- Ability to remove unnecessary devices from the stop menu.
- Rename the device names.
- Ability to stop the drive SATA.
- Allows you to return the device back.
- A simple little menu where you can add the program files folder to your portable drive for quick launch.
- The program has a chance to test your portable gadgets on the read / write speed.

Super Hide IP

Super Hide IP - Give You Super Privacy Protection On Internet. 

Do you know what your IP address means? Are you aware that your IP address is exposed every time you visit a website? Many websites and hackers use IP address to monitor your home address and other personal information. Your IP address is your online identity and could be used by hackers to break into your computer, steal personal information, or commit other crimes against you. 

Super Hide IP allows you to surf anonymously, keep your IP address hidden, protect your personal information against hackers and provide full encryption of your online activity, all with a simple click of a button 

Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 Terbaru + license key

Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 Terbaru + license key

Kembali lagi bersama blog kami menyajikan Versi Antivirus Kaspersky Terbaru adalah Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 yang mengalami banyak perubahan baik pada tampilan maupun fitur-fitur di dalamnya.

Perubahan pada letak module Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 sehingga lebih mudah dalam segi pengaturan, adanya Anti-banner and URL Advisor addon untuk Firefox web browser. Sehingga dengan mudah user bisa menambakan banner blacklist dari Mozilla Firefox. Adanya penambahan Fitur Gadget untuk Windows Vista dan Windows 7.


Featured lain dari KIS 2011 termasuk vulnerability scanner, Web Anti-Virus, Live update, System restore, Rescue disk, Network attack blocker dan Gaming profile.

Internet Download Manager [IDM] 6.05 Final | 4.3 MB

Internet Download Manager [IDM] 6.05 Final | 4.3 MB

Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download accelerators and managers that segment files before downloading starts, Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process. Internet Download Manager reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve better acceleration performance. Internet Download Manager supports proxy servers, ftp and http protocols, firewalls, redirects, cookies, authorization, MP3 audio and MPEG video content processing. IDM integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, and all other popular browsers to automatically handle your downloads. You can also drag and drop files, or use Internet Download Manager from command line. Internet Download Manager can dial your modem at the set time, download the files you want, then hang up or even shut down your computer when its done. Other features include multilingual support, zip preview, download categories, scheduler pro, sounds on different events, HTTPS support, queue processor, html help and tutorial, enhanced virus protection on download completion, progressive downloading with quotas (useful for connections that use some kind of fair access policy or FAP like Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc.), built-in download accelerator, and many others. 

Avanquest Expert PDF Professional 7.0.1370.0

Avanquest Expert PDF Professional 7.0.1370.0 | 31 Mb

Expert PDF 7 Professional is the complete PDF creator and PDF writer tool. It lets you create PDF files from any document that you are working on so that you can save and send your work securely. 

Here are some key features of "eXPert PDF Professional Edition": 

* Create PDF documents from any application, document preview and new user-friendly interface 
* Preview your PDF document 
* Combines multiple documents/printer jobs 
* PDF V1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,v.16 support 
* Document security (DES 48-128 bits, AES encryption) 
* Document Outlines 
* Stationery support 
* Fonts embedding/subsetting 
* Generate and E-Mail your pdf documents 
* Hypertext support 
* Live leechs 
* PDF Indexing services 
* Advanced stationery/Watermarks support 
* Watermarks editor 
* Document annotations 
* MS Word Integration 
* PDF editing (see editing features bellow) 
* PDF Editing features 
* Modify document outlines 
* Add/modify/delete rubber stamps 
* Modify annotation comments 
* Add text annotations 
* Highlight tool 
* Modify document security 
* Save optimized documents 
* Insert images 
* Modify document pages 
* Extract document pages 
* Merge pdf documents 
* Insert text 
* Insert/modify link annotations 
* Insert/modify attachment annotations 
* Insert/modify/Delete text 
* Insert/modify/Delete document images 
* Insert/modify/Delete vector drawing (curves, lines, paths) 
* Apply transformations such as scale, rotate to any object 
* PDF Forms

Download Nero Burning Rom 9.4.26 Portable Eng

Nero Burning Rom 9.4.26 Portable Eng | 42.25 MB

Nero Burning Rom is an easy to learn, but powerful program for recording CD, DVD, and now Blu-ray and HD DVD discs. In this program, intuitive user interface. Features such that it can burn a CD of all currently existing standards, including audio and video CD. As a source of information for recording discs can act as files on your computer, and other CDs. This version requires no installation!

Burn audio files or data to CD, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, or HD DVD. Want to burn movies to DVD? With DVD-R Dual Layer and DVD + R Double Layer support, you'll get more data on a disc than ever before! Portable Nero BR was set to maintain your installed Nero's settings, if any. However, you have to be careful in that condition. Rip audio CDs and non-copy-protected DVDs quickly and easily with the world's leading burning engine. Burn your data onto CD and DVD - quickly and conveniently. Create backups - easily and automatically. Archive your data - reliably and securely. Design individual CD and DVD labels - professionally and creatively.

TELL ME MORE Japanese Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced

TeLL me More Japanese - Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced 
Publisher: Auralog | ISBN-10: 2749004373 | 3 CD | 400 Mb

TeLL me More Japanese language learning software (Beginner-Intermediate-Advanced) 300 hours of Japanese learning 1500 exercises 21 activities and 8000 word audio glossary.

TELL ME MORE is the world's leading software for language learning with more than 5 million users worldwide. Developed in collaboration with the Japanese Institute of Languages, the TeLL me More collection is the first Japanese language learning method based on speech recognition. With transcriptions in Rômaji (the Latin alphabet) TeLL me More Japanese covers all the essentials of learning the language: command of the principal characters (Kanji and Kana), comprehension, pronunciation, written expression and grammar. This package includes levels Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced. It includes 300 HOURS OF LEARNING WITH MORE THAN 1,500 EXERCISES AND 25 DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES, such as word association, sentence pronunciation. Learn Chinese with Interactive Dialogues and Cultural Videos (Over 1,000 sentences related to themes taken from daily life). Also includes key grammar and conjugation points. 4,000 words Audio-glossary. Using state of the art speech recognition, with the help of the voice graph and pitch curve, you can improve your pronunciation and intonation. Phonetic exercises and 3D animations will also facilitate learning the correct pronunciation of the Japanese phonemes. With S.E.T.S (Spoken Error Tracking System), TELL ME MORE points out pronunciation errors within a sentence. Track your progress with the Lesson Report. Free headset with microphone and Japanese language and culture: an introductory manual.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 9.01.00

Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 9.01.00 | 57 MB

Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 enables you to forget about viruses, spyware, hackers"
The new Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 is the easiEST-to-use and most intuitive protection for your computer. Just install it and forget about viruses, spyware, rootkits, hackers, online fraud and identity theft. Chat, share photos and videos, bank and buy online, read your favorite blogs or simply surf the Web, with complete peace of mind. And thanks to the improved Collective Intelligence technology, the solution is now much faster than previous versions.

You will also have at your disposal Tech Support 24h-365d, 24h-SOS service and the daily updates that ensure you are protected against all new threats that appear around the world. Its ease-of-use, simplicity and offer a Maximum protection with minimum Impact on your PC. New version includes Panda USB Vaccine tool.

Here are some key features of “Panda Antivirus Pro”:
· Protection against spyware. Protects your privacy by preventing spyware from being installed on your computer. The anti-spyware protection prevents this type of software from compiling data about your Internet habits and preferences.
· Protection against unknown threats. Thanks to the revolutionary TruPrevent Technologies now, more than ever, you will be protected against malware at all times.
· Protection against all types of malware. Not only are you protected against viruses. Now you have integrated protection capable of combating all types of malicious software: hacking tools, jokes, malicious cookies, viruses, etc.
· Firewall. Neutralizes network viruses and prevents possible intrusions or attacks by hackers trying to enter your computer through the Internet.
· Protection against vulnerabilities. Protects you against security holes in certain applications that could make your computer easy prey to all types of malicious software and hackers. Now you can fix vulnerabilities detected in your computer, giving you even greater security.
· Services. Enjoy the wide range of services that we offer. Now you have a whole team of IT security experts to help you resolve any queries that could arise. In addition, on our Web page, you can access the latest versions of our products and all the information you need.

BS.Player Professional 2.51.1018b

BS.Player Professional 2.51.1018b | 9.7 MB

World's most popular multimedia player! Ever since the very beginning in the year 2000, the BS. Player™ has been one of the world's most popular multimedia players. It is popular for many reasons, one however should be pointed out: BS.Player™ is the first player ever to enable its users to focus on watching the movie instead of dealing with poor computer capabilities or running around looking for a proper setting and codec.

BS.Player™ is a Windows ® player that plays back all kinds of all sort of media files ( avi / mpg / asf / wmv / wav / mp3...) and specialises in video and divx playback. It can also display subtitles. Also available are different skins for this player.

Aimp 2.60 Build 520 + portable

Aimp 2.60 Build 520 + portable

AIMP is a powerful audio player that allows you to listen to your favorite music with an outstanding sound quality. Its appearance resembles that of another classical audio player (Winamp), so you'll get used to it very quickly. It can also be customized with skins. The program includes a 18-band equalizer, a visualization window to display rhythmic visual effects and a playlist editor to organize your audio files. A nice fading effect makes your list of songs look like an endless music loop and a handy volume normalizing feature avoids drastic volume changes between tracks. Also, the player's main functions can be conveniently controlled by global hotkeys. Besides playing music, AIMP features three extra utilities which also enable you to record any sound on your computer, convert audio files from one format to another and view or edit tags. AIMP is based on the well-known audio engine BASS, so it's easy to connect new plug-ins (from the plug-in library included in the program) and expand the player's functionalities.

• Audio Lirary, Sound Recorder, Audio Converter/CD Grabber and Tag Editor...
• Support for large number of formats and playlists ...
• Work with multiple playlist immediately, creation of bookmarks, playback queue ...
• Design Great functionality and user-friendly interface ...

Internet Download Manager [IDM] 5.18.5 • krack (100% Clean)

Internet Download Manager [IDM] 5.18.5 • krack (100% Clean) | 8 MB

Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 500 percent, resume and schedule downloads. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use.

Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download accelerators and managers that segment files before downloading starts, Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process. Internet Download Manager reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve better acceleration performance.

Atomix Virtual DJ Pro v6.0.4 Incl. krack (NEW)

Atomix Virtual DJ Pro v6.0.4 Incl. krack (NEW) | 29.7 MB

Atomix VirtualDJ is the MP3 mixing software that targets every DJ from bedroom DJs to professional superstars such as Carl Cox, and is used everyday by millions of DJs, and in many big clubs. It features a breakthrough BeatLock engine that will keep your songs in tune and let you work your mixes incredibly faster than any other DJ. The automatic seamless loop engine and the new synchronized sampler will let you perform astounding remixes on the fly. VirtualDJ is compatible with timecoded vinyls that let you scratch your MP3s directly on a real turntable, and with many other DJ equipment. VirtualDJ will also let you mix and scratch music videos right from your turntables. You can use several interfaces to suit both beginners and professionals, record your mixes and burn them on CD, rip DVD, rip vinyl, create your own Internet radio, automatically mix playlists, use VST effects, display karaoke, and play DRMed file like Yahoo!

The automatic seamless loop engine and the brand new synchronised sampler will let you perform astounding remixes live, with no preparation at all.The visual representation and the cues allow you to clearly see the song's structure, and never be surprised by a break anymore.The vinyl controls will let you scratch like on a real turntable, except that with the beatlock engine your scratches will never end out of the beat.Add to that an infinite number of cue points you can save for each songs, a bunch of wonderful effects automatically beat-synchronised.Add also several interfaces to suit everybody from the beginner to the professional DJ, the possibility to record your mixes to burn them on CDs, to broadcast on the Internet and have your own radio station, to save your CDs directly in MP3, to use a headphone to preview the songs or an external mixtable to perform in a club.Lastly, enter the new era of DJs by mixing video clips (DVD, DivX, MPEG...) which you can send on a giant screen.Virtual DJ brings you all that, in the most easy-to-use way, and at the most affordable price.

Studio V5 LogoMaker 3.0

Studio V5 LogoMaker 3.0 | 173 MB

LogoMaker is an innovative and easy to use product that makes it possible for any business owner to design professional business logos, create advertisements, design nice page headers for a web site and other identifying graphics in just minutes. The easy to use features of LogoMaker include hundreds of fully modifiable logo templates and objects categorized by industry and interest, high quality graphical engine, creative tools and special effects. In LogoMaker you can work with Regular, Polygonal, Concave, Wavy, Circular, Perspective Text types. All options and effects that can be applied on the images (such as Shadow, Transparency, Blur, Emboss, Gradient, Hue, etc.) can also be applied on text and shapes. However, some additional effects can be applied only on text and shapes, such as: Outline, Character Spacing, Character Angle etc.